Electrical Program for Youth Course (EPYC)

My name is Ken Mohle and earlier in life I had the privilege of getting licensed as an electrician. Now, I use my skills to teach an electrical course for youth.

The following is a basic description of the Electrical Program for Youth Course (EPYC).

The program consists of ten weeks of evening sessions (10 sessions = 1 intake). There will be a maximum of four students and a volunteer will assist me. The sessions will consist of the teaching of electrical safety, basic electrical theory, drawing basic electrical circuits, basic electrical installation on preconstructed wiring boards, and two sessions on rudimentary house wiring. I want to emphasize that at no time will the students be exposed to live electricity with the exception of 9-volt batteries in the first session. To be more clear, I will personally inspect the students’ work on the wiring boards or wiring frames and when I am satisfied with their work I will connect their work to power, test it, and then I will disconnect it immediately. Prior to a student taking the course, it would be helpful for them to have some familiarity with wire pliers and screw drivers.

Also, my plan is to include a Saturday class trip to a small water generation plant either during or after the course is completed.

The cost for the program is $20 per student per intake (10 weeks) which will help offset some of the expenses for Youth Unlimited YFC Minto. It will take place on Friday evenings from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. Students should wear clothing that is suitable for manual work and not be loose fitting.

It will either be at the Harriston Youth Center or the Palmerston CRC depending on several factors. We run the course two times per year, once in the Winter/Spring and once in the Fall. Below are photos that give an idea of what the students will be working on.

If your child is interested in taking this course, you can contact me (Ken) at 519-781-5311 or at kenneth.m@yfcminto.com Please be aware that there usually is a wailing list.